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Congressman Jamie Raskin


Congressman Jamie Raskin represents Maryland’s 8th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he is a Senior Whip for the Democratic Caucus, the Vice-Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, and the Freshman representative to the Democratic Steering & Policy Committee. He also serves on the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee and the Committee on House Administration.


Jamie has been a constitutional law professor at American University Washington College of Law for 25 years, and taught Law of the American Political Process and Legislation. Jamie was also the Founding Director of WCL’s Program on Law and Government and worked co-founded the acclaimed Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project. Jamie is the bestselling author of Overruling Democracy: the Supreme Court versus the American People and We the Students: Supreme Court Cases for and About Students.

Prior to his time in Congress, Jamie was a Maryland State Senator

and the Maryland Senate Majority Whip. In his decade as a State Senator, Raskin won a reputation for building coalitions in Annapolis to deliver landmark policy accomplishments. He successfully introduced and championed marriage equality; abolition of the death penalty; restoration of voting rights to former prisoners; raising the state’s minimum wage; the nation’s first National Popular Vote law; the nation’s first Benefit Corporations Law; Noah’s Law (the compulsory use of ignition interlock devices in the cars of convicted drunk drivers); the Green Maryland Act; the lowering of the state voter registration age to 16; and granting 17-year olds the right to vote in primary elections.

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