It is amazing what can happen when one person stands up for another. We have seen this through history—small uprisings that change the face of nations. This is that uprising—Unleash Your Superpowers! Unite Against Bullying. People across the Nation are joining Hip-Hop Superstar Big Sean and Doitall "Du" Kelly from the platinum album producing group Lords of the Underground (clips below) in taking the “Superpower Pledge" in support of our anti-bullying initiative PeerPositivePOWER. Please keep visiting our website for upcoming events and appearances. See how you can get involved.
Here's How to Take the Superpower Pledge:
Use your own special superpower swag and let the world know that we are all UNITED against bullying! Please feel free to use your own words to make your pledge uniquely yours.
Help save our children's lives and take the pledge by stating:
"This is (your name) on behalf of The Music in Me Foundation International-- I urge you to unleash your superpowers to unite against bullying. PeerPositive Power helps our communities become a safe and accepting place! I nominate (person/people of choice) to take the Superpower Pledge and join me in uniting against bullying."
Post your videos to your social media platforms and include us at The Music in Me Foundation International (Facebook) and @musicinme501c (twitter). If you send them to our email at info@themusicinme.org, we'll also post it to our website. Please download our song "Unleash Your Superpowers." We accept donations as well. Proceeds go to saving our children's lives and building a brighter future.
Celebrity Superpower Clips
10 Deeply Depressing Facts about Bullying
10. It Destroys Your Future Job Prospects
9. It Damages Your Future Health
8. It Can Get You in Trouble With The Law
7. It Affects The Entire Economy
6. It Increases Sexual Violence
5. It Makes You Prone to Suicide
4. It Messes Up Everyone Involved
3. We Can't Solve It
2. Kids Actively Reward It
1. It's Human Nature