Jerrod Mustaf
Jerrod Mustaf is the President & Executive Director of Take Charge Juvenile Diversion, which has joined forces with The Music in Me Foundation, Int’l to offer the best of both worlds--sports and the arts—to help make a difference in the lives of youth. Mustaf is widely recognized as one of the rising stars in the field of social work in the Washington Metropolitan Area. As a long-time advocate for juvenile justice programs and one of the first certified gang prevention counselors in state of Maryland, he manages one of the most successful Juvenile Justice Programs in the nation, which is now poised to spread its special brand of juvenile service beyond Prince George’s County. With a 90% success rate for program participants, it is one of the most successful nonprofits in Maryland. Best known as a professional athlete, Jerrod Mustaf is the driving force behind Take Charge, leading his team to victory. Today, he is known as a pioneer in social work. Take Charge and The Music in Me Foundation are an unbeatable combination, changing the world one child at a time!