10 Deeply Depressing Facts About Bullying
10. It Destroys Your Future Job Prospects 9. It Damages Your Future Health 8. It Can Get You in Trouble With The Law 7. It Affects The...

Unleash Your Superpowers: Unite Against Bullying Walk & Pep Rally
It is amazing what can happen when one person stands up for another. We have seen this through history—small uprisings that change the...
The Music in Me Foundation Airs on WABC NYC to Unveils National Anti-Bullying Movement
ABC in New York joined The Music in Me Foundation International on the air to #uniteagainstbullying. The show will be broadcast on...

The Washington Post and The Gazette Articles on The Music in Me Foundation
The Music in Me Foundation International was recently featured in an article in the "LocalLiving" section of the Washington Post...
Hip-Hip Tastemakers Don Trunk & Uptown XO Roll Out National Anti-Bullying Movement “Unleash Your Su
Saturday, September 27, 2014 will mark The Music in Me Foundation International’s groundbreaking community event at Clarendon Day that...

Hip Hop Superstar Big Sean Endorses Young Adult Novel, Sparkle, as a "Must Read"
The Music in Me Foundation International is proud to announce its first young adult novel, Sparkle, as part of the organization's "Rap"...